SEO – What are Near Me Pages with Search Engine Optimisation.
SEO Near Me searches in Google are popular, but the technology behind the Near Me searches has changed and Google Systems, the SEO Technology behind Near Me searches has changed.
The Near Me search term is supposed to be used by the person that is searching on Google for a service or for a product that is near to their location or near to their Local area, and with Near Me searches Google is taking the location information from a smartphone, or from a computer to show the local search results.
So if you write website pages and website posts that use the Near Me in the Page Title and in the URL: then only expect to get website traffic from people that are very close to your location.
If your location in not in a main town, or a location where the population is low, or you are in a location in the countryside, then near me website pages and website posts will not work for you, but you can still use Near Me but the Near me text needs to be in the right location for a website page or a website post.
How to use Near Me in your Website Pages and Website Posts.
The Best way to use Near Me in the website pages and in your website posts is to use the Near Me in the right location. Writing a page with the page Title of SEO Consultant Near Me is telling Google to only show SERP Search Engine Results pages very close to your location, Google will use the searchers smartphone or computer location information to show the search results. If you are trying to target an area that you work in or you need to get work from then you can still use Near Me but you need to use the near me in a better location on a website page or post.
SEO Consultant Near Me vs SEO Consultant London Near Me.
SEO Consultant Near Me vs SEO Consultant London Near Me, or SEO Consultant in London Near Me, by using the location London, this is better but SEO Consultant London, UK, England can be the right Page Title to use for finding a SEO Consultant in London that is near to your location. Even better if you use SEO Consultant London as the Page Title.
A better use of Near Me is to use the Near Me in a Page H2 Title, so that you can use London, UK England in the Website Page Title and as the H1 Heading.
Keith Thomas is one of the leading SEO Consultants in London since 2010 and provides On Site SEO Help in London to help small businesses and companies with SEO and with Search Engine Optimisation in London and in Central London. From helping with SEO and Local SEO and help with SEO Website performance for Small Businesses and for Companies in London, and in Central London.
Get Onsite SEO Support in London from Keith Thomas a London Based SEO Consultant that provides onsite SEO Help and on site SEO Support and onsite SEO Training service in London for anyone that needs more help with SEO in London.
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